Our Strategic Partners
Our Strategic Partnerships have been developed throughout our years in the industry and are essential in supporting us in being able to deliver the best service to our clients. We seek out companies with similar values that prioritise quality of service and have the knowledge, experience and resources to deliver on their promises.
Indigenous Joint Ventures
360 Logistics has entered into two joint ventures with Aboriginal owned businesses to create the below listed entities. The intent is to provide logistics services to Pilbara and Goldfield based customers through a majority owned Aboriginal entity. These entities create employment and commercial opportunities for its people and gives back to the community on whose land the services are performed.
The intent and measure of success for this partnership is to:
Deliver world class services and solutions on the contract for which it has been engaged.
Deliver commercially competitive services and solutions.
Create employment opportunities for Aboriginal people that in turn leads to further education and training.
To create commercial opportunities for Aboriginal businesses.
To create commercial capacity that is professional, reliable and financially competitive.
To assist with bridging the gap between the intent and reality of Native Title Agreements.
360 Logistics brings the experience and expertise in the logistics industry to these entities. The strategy of both entities is to subcontract work in the short to medium term to 360 Logistics whilst attempting to create employment and commercial opportunities for Aboriginal people on the land upon which the logistics services are performed.
The longer-term intent for both entities is to become a stand-alone entity that employs its own people, owns its own assets and perform all manner of logistics services in its own right. In this way, both entities will build capacity in their own right.
Jirindi Solutions –
Mudz Enterprises / PKKP
Jirindi Solutions is a 51% Aboriginal owned entity. Mudz Enterprises is the 51% owner and WT Complete Solutions (owned by Tim Knox) is the 49% shareholder. Jirindi provides logistics services to its customers in the Pilbara region of Western Australia.
In addition to logistics services, Jirindi Solutions offers the following services:
Minor works and maintenance;
Camp maintenance and cleaning services;
Equipment / machinery hire;
Labour hire;
Fencing; and
Traffic control.
Walku Maia -
Olive Branch Enterprises
Walku Maia is a joint venture between Olive Branch Enterprises (51%) and 360 Logistics (49%). OBE is a wholly owned company of the Champion and Walley families . The Champion and Walley families are part of the Marlinyu Ghoorlie Claim in the Goldfield region of Western Australia.
This partnership between Olive Branch and 360 Logistics, identifies 360 as a key partner to the Marlinyu Ghoorlie people.
OBE also has joint ventures with a number of other businesses offering a variety of goods and services ranging from PPE supply, car fleet hire, mining services to renewable energy projects.
Find out more information on OBE by clicking the button below